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Ring Coercion

Basic coercion is explained in detail in the Coercion Guide. With Ring, both request parameters and response bodies can be coerced.

The following request parameters are currently supported:

typerequest source
:request:body-params, allows per-content-type coercion
:multipart:multipart-params, see Default Middleware

To enable coercion, the following things need to be done:

  • Define a reitit.coercion/Coercion for the routes
  • Define types for the parameters and/or responses
  • Mount Coercion Middleware to apply to coercion
  • Use the coerced parameters in a handler/middleware

Define coercion

reitit.coercion/Coercion is a protocol defining how types are defined, coerced and inventoried.

Reitit ships with the following coercion modules:

Coercion can be attached to route data under :coercion key. There can be multiple Coercion implementations within a single router, normal scoping rules apply.

Defining parameters and responses

Parameters are defined in route data under :parameters key. It's value should be a map of parameter :type -> Coercion Schema.

Responses are defined in route data under :responses key. It's value should be a map of http status code to a map which can contain :body key with Coercion Schema as value.

Below is an example with Plumatic Schema. It defines schemas for :query, :body and :path parameters and for http 200 response :body.

Handlers can access the coerced parameters via the :parameters key in the request.

(require '[reitit.coercion.schema])
(require '[schema.core :as s])

(def PositiveInt (s/constrained s/Int pos? 'PositiveInt))

(def plus-endpoint
{:coercion reitit.coercion.schema/coercion
:parameters {:query {:x s/Int}
:body {:y s/Int}
:path {:z s/Int}}
:responses {200 {:body {:total PositiveInt}}}
:handler (fn [{:keys [parameters]}]
(let [total (+ (-> parameters :query :x)
(-> parameters :body :y)
(-> parameters :path :z))]
{:status 200
:body {:total total}}))})

Coercion Middleware

Defining a coercion for a route data doesn't do anything, as it's just data. We have to attach some code to apply the actual coercion. We can use the middleware from reitit.ring.coercion:

  • coerce-request-middleware to apply the parameter coercion
  • coerce-response-middleware to apply the response coercion
  • coerce-exceptions-middleware to transform coercion exceptions into pretty responses

Full example

Here is a full example for applying coercion with Reitit, Ring and Schema:

(require '[reitit.ring.coercion :as rrc])
(require '[reitit.coercion.schema])
(require '[reitit.ring :as ring])
(require '[schema.core :as s])

(def PositiveInt (s/constrained s/Int pos? 'PositiveInt))

(def app
["/ping" {:name ::ping
:get (fn [_]
{:status 200
:body "pong"})}]
["/plus/:z" {:name ::plus
:post {:coercion reitit.coercion.schema/coercion
:parameters {:query {:x s/Int}
:body {:y s/Int}
:path {:z s/Int}}
:responses {200 {:body {:total PositiveInt}}}
:handler (fn [{:keys [parameters]}]
(let [total (+ (-> parameters :query :x)
(-> parameters :body :y)
(-> parameters :path :z))]
{:status 200
:body {:total total}}))}}]]
{:data {:middleware [rrc/coerce-exceptions-middleware

Valid request:

(app {:request-method :post
:uri "/api/plus/3"
:query-params {"x" "1"}
:body-params {:y 2}})
; {:status 200, :body {:total 6}}

Invalid request:

(app {:request-method :post
:uri "/api/plus/3"
:query-params {"x" "abba"}
:body-params {:y 2}})
; {:status 400,
; :body {:schema {:x "Int", "Any" "Any"},
; :errors {:x "(not (integer? \"abba\"))"},
; :type :reitit.coercion/request-coercion,
; :coercion :schema,
; :value {:x "abba"},
; :in [:request :query-params]}}

Invalid response:

(app {:request-method :post
:uri "/api/plus/3"
:query-params {"x" "1"}
:body-params {:y -10}})
; {:status 500,
; :body {:schema {:total "(constrained Int PositiveInt)"},
; :errors {:total "(not (PositiveInt -6))"},
; :type :reitit.coercion/response-coercion,
; :coercion :schema,
; :value {:total -6},
; :in [:response :body]}}

Per-content-type coercion

You can also specify request and response body schemas per content-type. These are also read by the OpenAPI feature when generating api docs. The syntax for this is:

(def app
["/example" {:post {:coercion reitit.coercion.schema/coercion
:request {:content {"application/json" {:schema {:y s/Int}}
"application/edn" {:schema {:z s/Int}}
;; default if no content-type matches:
:default {:schema {:yy s/Int}}}}
:responses {200 {:content {"application/json" {:schema {:w s/Int}}
"application/edn" {:schema {:x s/Int}}
:default {:schema {:ww s/Int}}}}}
:handler ...}}]]
{:data {:middleware [rrc/coerce-exceptions-middleware

Pretty printing spec errors

Spec problems are exposed as is in request & response coercion errors. Pretty-printers like expound can be enabled like this:

(require '[reitit.ring :as ring])
(require '[reitit.ring.middleware.exception :as exception])
(require '[reitit.ring.coercion :as coercion])
(require '[expound.alpha :as expound])

(defn coercion-error-handler [status]
(let [printer (expound/custom-printer {:theme :figwheel-theme, :print-specs? false})
handler (exception/create-coercion-handler status)]
(fn [exception request]
(printer (-> exception ex-data :problems))
(handler exception request))))

(def app
{:parameters {:query {:x int?, :y int?}}
:responses {200 {:body {:total pos-int?}}}
:handler (fn [{{{:keys [x y]} :query} :parameters}]
{:status 200, :body {:total (+ x y)}})}}]
{:data {:coercion reitit.coercion.spec/coercion
:middleware [(exception/create-exception-middleware
{:reitit.coercion/request-coercion (coercion-error-handler 400)
:reitit.coercion/response-coercion (coercion-error-handler 500)}))

{:uri "/plus"
:request-method :get
:query-params {"x" "1", "y" "fail"}})
; => ...
; -- Spec failed --------------------
; {:x ..., :y "fail"}
; ^^^^^^
; should satisfy
; int?

{:uri "/plus"
:request-method :get
:query-params {"x" "1", "y" "-2"}})
; => ...
;-- Spec failed --------------------
; {:total -1}
; ^^
; should satisfy
; pos-int?


The coercion middlewares are compiled against a route. In the middleware compilation step the actual coercer implementations are constructed for the defined models. Also, the middleware doesn't mount itself if a route doesn't have :coercion and :parameters or :responses defined.

We can query the compiled middleware chain for the routes:

(require '[reitit.core :as r])

(-> (ring/get-router app)
(r/match-by-name ::plus)
:result :post :middleware
(->> (mapv :name)))
; [::mw/coerce-exceptions
; ::mw/coerce-request
; ::mw/coerce-response]

Route without coercion defined:

(app {:request-method :get, :uri "/api/ping"})
; {:status 200, :body "pong"}

Has no mounted middleware:

(-> (ring/get-router app)
(r/match-by-name ::ping)
:result :get :middleware
(->> (mapv :name)))
; []