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Route Data Validation

Route data can be anything, so it's easy to go wrong. Accidentally adding a :role key instead of :roles might hinder the whole routing app without any authorization in place.

To fail fast, we could use the custom :coerce and :compile hooks to apply data validation and throw exceptions on first sighted problem.

But there is a better way. Router has a :validation hook to validate the whole route tree after it's successfully compiled. It expects a 2-arity function routes opts => () that can side-effect in case of validation errors.


Namespace reitit.spec contains specs for main parts of reitit.core and a helper function validate that runs spec validation for all route data and throws an exception if any errors are found.

A Router with invalid route data:

(require '[reitit.core :as r])

["/api" {:handler "identity"}])
; #object[reitit.core$...]

Failing fast with clojure.spec validation turned on:

(require '[reitit.spec :as rs])

["/api" {:handler "identity"}]
{:validate rs/validate})
; CompilerException clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Invalid route data:
; -- On route -----------------------
; "/api"
; In: [:handler] val: "identity" fails spec: :reitit.spec/handler at: [:handler] predicate: fn?
; {:problems (#reitit.spec.Problem{:path "/api", :scope nil, :data {:handler "identity"}, :spec :reitit.spec/default-data, :problems #:clojure.spec.alpha{:problems ({:path [:handler], :pred clojure.core/fn?, :val "identity", :via [:reitit.spec/default-data :reitit.spec/handler], :in [:handler]}), :spec :reitit.spec/default-data, :value {:handler "identity"}}})}, compiling: ...

Pretty errors

Turning on Pretty Errors will give much nicer error messages:

(require '[ :as pretty])

["/api" {:handler "identity"}]
{:validate rs/validate
:exception pretty/exception})

Pretty error

Customizing spec validation

rs/validate reads the following router options:

:specthe spec to verify the route data (default ::rs/default-data)
:reitit.spec/wrapfunction of spec => spec to wrap all route specs

NOTE: clojure.spec implicitly validates all values with fully-qualified keys if specs exist with the same name.

Invalid spec value:

(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])

(s/def ::role #{:admin :manager})
(s/def ::roles (s/coll-of ::role :into #{}))

["/api" {:handler identity
::roles #{:adminz}}]
{:validate rs/validate
:exception pretty/exception})

Invalid Role Error

Closed Specs

To fail-fast on non-defined and misspelled keys on route data, we can close the specs using :reitit.spec/wrap options with value of spec-tools.spell/closed that closed the top-level specs.

Requiring a:description and validating using closed specs:

(require '[spec-tools.spell :as spell])

(s/def ::description string?)

["/api" {:summary "kikka"}]
{:validate rs/validate
:spec (s/merge ::rs/default-data
(s/keys :req-un [::description]))
::rs/wrap spell/closed
:exception pretty/exception})

Closed Spec error

It catches also typing errors:

["/api" {:descriptionz "kikka"}]
{:validate rs/validate
:spec (s/merge ::rs/default-data
(s/keys :req-un [::description]))
::rs/wrap spell/closed
:exception pretty/exception})

Closed Spec error