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List special events



Return a list of upcoming special events at the museum.


Query Parameters

    startDate date

    The starting date to retrieve future operating hours from. Defaults to today's date.

    endDate date

    The end of a date range to retrieve special events for. Defaults to 7 days after startDate.

    page integer

    Default value: 1

    The page number to retrieve.

    limit integer

    Possible values: <= 30

    Default value: 10

    The number of days per page.



  • Array [
  • eventId uuidrequired

    Identifier for a special event.

    name EventNamerequired

    Name of the special event

    location EventLocationrequired

    Location where the special event is held

    eventDescription EventDescriptionrequired

    Description of the special event

    dates date[]required

    List of planned dates for the special event

    price floatrequired

    Price of a ticket for the special event

  • ]